Methodica Message Feeder

Functions, Architecture, and Components

 Deutsch English



The appli­ca­tion ite­gra­tes with a web ser­ver. For se­cu­ri­ty rea­sons, you might wish to in­stall the appli­ca­tion and da­ta­ba­se ser­vi­ces on diffe­rent ma­chi­nes.

Main components

  • mmf/Feeder
    Provides feed data in all suppor­ted for­mats to con­su­mers.
  • mmf/Editor
    Supports com­for­ta­ble on­line edi­ting of feeds and messa­ges.
  • mmf/MPump
    Imports messa­ges from e-mail bo­xes and sto­res them in the da­ta­ba­se.
  • mmf/Setup
    Tools and uti­li­ties for the sys­tem ad­mi­ni­str­ator:
    • Set up and con­fi­gure the appli­ca­tion, inclu­ding the da­ta­ba­se.
    • Take database snap­shots and re­sto­re the da­ta­ba­se from snap­shots.
    • Create in­stal­la­tion and sys­tem re­ports.

On the client side, for all ope­ra­tions, a stan­dard brow­ser on­ly is nee­ded.