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Page title: methodica :: Our customers
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... we would be nothing without them
Characteristics of our customers:
Size and markets
They are (very) large and are internationally active, or they have medium to small size.
Regardless of their size they are offering their products in international markets.
Importance of the IT
In the information technology (IT) they see one of the main production and management means.
Experience with IT
They typically use IT systems for years now. IT is ubiquitous within their companies.
They want to keep their information stocks in their own hands.
They mainly operate their own IT infrastructures. More and more they are also using selected services from external suppliers.
Increasingly, their IT systems inter-operate with those of suppliers and customers.
Internally too, they let their systems interoperate more and more.
Some of them have very high demands regarding the reliability of their systems, the availability, controlled access, and data protection.
They understand that security can only be ensured when viewing technical infrastructure, architecture, implementation of the IT systems, the organizational and human aspects, and the processes all together.
IT life cycles
They make a clear distinction between long-life core components and auxiliary components required in the short term.
IT expense / benefit rates are as relevant as they are for other means of production.
They combine existing components, use IT systems and applications available on the market. But they also are developing software themselves if they so can achieve a competitive advantage.
They are active in these sectors:
For privacy and confidentiality reasons, we do not publish any names of our customers.
But, we are willing to establish contacts on request - after consulting our customers.