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Seitentitel: methodica :: Methodica Compact MailMonitor (mcMailMon)
Link: https://methodica.ch/do.php?lang=%DE%25&id=13046394d26a3a40dd414bc25a6694be
Nachführung: 2016-01-05 09:08:27 (UTC)
Copyright © 2005-2024, methodica herger.

Referenzierte Seiten

1  https://cademo.methodica.info/
2  https://cademo.methodica.info/
3  http://ca.methodica.info/upd/mcertauth_1.5.2.zip
4  https://methodica.ch/
5  https://methodica.ch/do.php?&lang=de&id=&aid=c8a1b75a8986ab159ea4de80dbd77299&clos=true
6  https://cademo.methodica.info/

Methodica Compact MailMonitor (mcMailMon)

Dutzende Mailboxen verschiedener Server in einer Web-Applikation


mCertAuth is a Certificatation Authority tools allowing for creating, signing and administering web server certificates.

mCertAuth stores all data in a database. It is a web application. So it can be accessed my many users from every location where the web server can be reached. A web browser is sufficient as a client.

These days governments, intelligence agencies, and the competition are spying on us. Encrypting the data streams makes it at least considerably more difficult to steal and abuse the data while transmitted. And, you know it, encrypting needs certificates. Here is where mCertAuth comes in.

These days governments, intelligence agencies, and the competition are spying on us. Encrypting the data streams makes it at least considerably more difficult to steal and abuse the data while transmitted. And, you know it, encrypting needs certificates. Here is where mCertAuth comes in.

Within an intranet or between different locations of a company self-signed certificates are useful. No need to buy costly certificates from a commercial certification authority. Also for private Web servers such certificates are ok to use. For commercial websites mCertAuth generates the keys and manages keys, certificate requests, and certificates that you have signed by a trusted certificate authority.

Try It

On the Demo Server

As an administrator…1 username=admin, password=demo.

As a standard user…2 username=demo, password=demo.

On Your Own Server

You may evaluate the application with the full functionality on your own server for 30 days. After this period of time you should buy a license or refrain from using the application any longer. There are several licenses available for commercial and non-commercial users. Just download mCertAuth and install it on your server. MySQL and PHP, version 5.3.2+ are required.


mCertAuth runs on many operating systems. Prerequisites are a web server (e.g. IIS, Apache), PHP (5.3.2+), and MySQL.

Choose the appropriate format:

mcertauth_1.5.2.zip3  (6.5 MB)

Also See…

Read the license agreementLicense agreement4

Question, supportQuestion, support


BeispielDemo (admin:demo)6