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Seitentitel: methodica :: Methodica Web File Viewer (mWFViewer)
Link: https://methodica.ch/do.php?id=85a08c326f0fe6d6bd568b746e8eb3d9&lang=%EF%BF%BD%25
Nachführung: 2011-12-30 06:10:13 (UTC)
Copyright © 2005-2024, methodica herger.

Referenzierte Seiten

1  https://methodica.ch//mwfviewer/
2  https://methodica.ch/#
3  https://methodica.ch/#
4  http://www.methodica.ch/downloader.php?path=downloads/mwfviewer&type=x-zip&file=mwfviewer_
Beachte: Auf mehrere Zeilen umgebrochene Links müssen im Browser wieder als eine Zeile eingegeben werden.

Methodica Web File Viewer (mWFViewer)

View and monitor text files (e.g. log files) on a web server machine



  • List text files acces­sible by a web ser­ver (e.g. log files).
  • Display contents of se­lec­ted files


Web-based. Therefore:

  • no dedicated client soft­ware ne­ces­sary
    Standard brow­sers like Chrome, Interet Explo­rer, Fire­fox, etc. are suffi­cient,
  • access files from every­where,
    wherever an Inter­net / Intra­net con­nec­tion is avai­la­ble,
  • may be used in pa­ral­lel by many users.


User Guide (preliminary)1

Administrator Guide (to be defined)2


mWFViewer may be installed on many operating systems. Pre-requisites are a web server (e.g. IIS, Apa­che) and PHP (5.0+).

For web servers:
mwfviewer.zip3  (??? KB)

For Tonido:
mwfviewer_tonido.zip4  (57.4 KB)


This software is free­ware.
You may use it for free in non-com­mer­cial as well as in com­mer­cial en­vi­ron­ments.